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Step-by-Step Solution:1. Definition of Amplitude: - Amplitude in Simple Harmonic Motion (S.H.M.) is defined as the maximum displacement of the oscillating object from its mean (equilibrium) position. - I
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What is meant by translation in maths? What is a type of unit that could be used to measure mass? Explain what is Gaseous exchange and why is it done and where does it occur? Explain the process of transcription in protein synthesis. What are the steps to convert fluid ounces to quarts...
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Note:The vernier calliper has two scales, one of them is called the main scale and the other one is called the vernier scale. The least count is defined as $L.C = 1MSD - 1VSD$ where MSD is the main scale divisions and VSD are the vernier scale divisions....
Define mass. View Solution A: Multiplication occurs rapidly with equal rate in apomixis as well as in amphimixis. R: Both types show mitotic as well as meiotic division. View Solution Assertion : Clone is formed by amphimixis. Reason : ln amphimixis, new plants are formed without fertiliza...
i) Mass percentage : The mass percentage of a component of a solution is defined as the mass%=Mass of the component in the solutionTotal mass of the solution×100 ii) Volume percentage (vV) : It is defined as the volume % of a component =Volume of the componentTotal volume of so...
The elements having same mass no. But different atomic no. is called an isobar. Eg. underset6(14)C, underset7(14)N
The amplitude of a S.H.O. reduces to 1/3 in first 20 secs. then in first 40 sec. its amplitude becomes - View Solution BlockAof massmis performing SHM of amplitude a. Another blockBof masmis gently placed on A when it passes through mean position andBsticks toA. Find the time perio...