Name at least three of the primary type of dangers to children of age 2 to 6 years, then explain the three levels of injury prevention and provide an example of each. What are some of the factors that influence the gender gap in life expectancy?
lifespanlifeexpectancy lifetime (of a machine) Example Usage 画龙点睛Trad.畫龍點睛 huà lóng diǎn jīng to paint a dragon and dot in the eyes (idiom); fig. to add the vital finishing touch the crucial point that brings the subject tolifea few words to clinch the point ...
to make life longer to promise longevity (this product will) extend your life 寿命Trad.壽命 shòu mìng life span life expectancy lifetime (of a machine) Example Usage 祝寿Trad.祝壽 zhù shòu to offer birthday congratulations (to an elderly person) ...