DBMS_OUTPUT.put_line('部门编号:'|| v_deptRow.dno || ',名称:' || v_deptRow.dna || ',位置:' || v_deptRow.dlo) ; END ; / 查看Oracle数据库SQL执行历史
DBMS_OUTPUT.put_line('请输入雇员编号:') ; v_eno := &empno ; -- 由键盘输入雇员编号 SELECT ename INTO v_ename FROM emp WHERE empno= v_eno ; DBMS_OUTPUT.put_line('编号为:' || v_eno || '雇员的名字为:'|| v_ename) ; END ; / 运行:输入empno的值:7369 输出结果:编号为:7369雇员...
CDISC standard undefined in define_header_metadata"; run; *** GET "TABLE OF CONTENTS" LEVEL DATASET METADATA; proc import out = toc_metadata datafile = "&path\&metadata" dbms=excelcs replace; sheet = "TOC_METADATA" ; run; *** GET THE VARIA...
Oracle already has a type "dbms_sql.varchar2_table" and I just have to declare an instance and use it, and you don't even have to specify a length. Also I have the alternative of creating my own type "TYPE array_cadena is table of varchar2(252) index by binary_integer" and instan...
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