Intimate partner violence (IPV) is a substantial problem in Canada, leading to over 100,000 victims reporting to police in Canada annually. However, there is no legal definition or Canadian Criminal Code offence for IPV. The purpose of this study was to examine how judges in the ...
Clinical psychology Struggling to define my role| The experience of network members who intervened in intimate partner violence BOSTON COLLEGE Lisa A. Goodman LattaRachel ErinEmpirical studies have demonstrated the paramount importance of social networks in the lives of battered women. Research has ...
Rennison, C. M. (2001).Intimate partner violence and age of victim, 1993–1999 (NCJ Publication No. 187635). Washington, DC: U.S. Department of Justice. Renzetti, C. (1999). The challenge to feminism posed by women's use of violence in intimate relationships. In S. Lamb (Ed.),New...
The Dynamics of Staying and Leaving: Implications for Battered Women's Emotional Well-Being and Experiences of Violence at the End of a Year Much of the discourse on intimate partner violence assumes that women must end their relationship with their abusive partner to increase their safety and e...
Results indicated that, while the women reported initiating aggression in the majority of conflicts described (54%), they varied in how they defined initiation, with some believing that initiating aggression meant being angry, bringing up the conflict issue, or persistently asking the partner to ...
violence and victims with the compliments of springer publishing company, llc 422 antecedents of intimate partner violence among gay and bisexual men Student voice has been heralded as a practice that provides all children with the opportunity to exercise their right to participate in matters affecting...
intimate partner abusedigital dating abuseco-cultural theorycommunication strategiesqualitative researchIntimate partner abuse (IPA) is a social burden that has plagued women for centuries. Even with the passage of the Violence Against Women Act, IPA is still common in many intimate relationships today....
intimate violencemotives for aggressionThis study explored women's use of aggression, focusing on how they define initiation of aggression and what motives they have for behaving aggressively. Twenty-five women who had used aggression during conflicts with their romantic partners were interviewed. ...