Summary of transcriptome and proteome analysis pipeline. For all experiments, parental virulent (VIR; genotype N116) and avirulent (AVR; genotype PS01) aphids were compared. Head transcriptomes of parental aphids were compared on resistant and susceptible host plants that carried or lacked theRAP1ap...
Additional factors, such as sugar composition (Figure 2) and a prolonged flower life- time might be important selective filters of yeast commu- nities in the sampled ornithophilous host plants. The latter should favor the establishment of basidiomycetes in nectar, accounting for their slower ...
6). The presence of actin bundles was always confirmed by direct visualization using a fluorescence light microscope as illustrated in Fig. 6B for a number of WLIM1 variants. In agreement with our former published data (24), WLIM1 induced the formation of actin bundles in a concentration-...
Nap (n.) Woolly or villous surface of felt, cloth, plants, etc.; an external covering of down, of short fine hairs or fibers forming part of the substance of anything, and lying smoothly in one direction; the pile; -- as, the nap of cotton flannel or of broadcloth. Nap (n.) The...
The construction of a Venn diagram for visualizing the probability of proteins to exert resistance function based on the presence of “strong putative domain” and “weak putative domain” was very useful. Following this approach we were able to highlight putative disease resistance proteins. More ...
The same could be said for the steel mills and thermal electric plants on the U.S. side of the Lakes, which are currently receiving iron ore and coal by the rail-lake route. At the least, alternative-mode routing provides competition and helps to keep down the prices of delivered raw ...
) A genus of tropical orchidaceous plants, the flower of one species of which (O. Papilio) resembles a butterfly. Oncograph (n.) An instrument for registering the changes observable with an oncometer. Oncometer (n.) An instrument for measuring the variations in size of the internal organs...
) Prepared leaves or bark of certain plants; -- used by the Indians of the Northwest for smoking, either mixed with tobacco or as a substitute for it. Also, a plant so used, as the osier cornel (Cornus stolonijra), and the bearberry (Arctostaphylus Uva-ursi). Kino (n.) The dark...