The investigation was conducted in a large organization, data was collected with semi-structured themed interviews and analyzed by grounded theory research methodology. The study involved eight (8) respondents from the investigated organization and three (3) experts from renowned consulting organizations....
Glaser, B. G., & Strauss, A. L. (1967).The discovery of grounded theory: Strategies for qualitative research. New Brunswick, NJ: Transaction Books. Google Scholar Gondolf, E. W. (2002). The victims of court-ordered batterers: Their victimization, helpseeking and perceptions.Violence Against...
Through in-depth interviews with twenty-six organizational leaders in charitable nonprofit organizations, using a grounded theory qualitative design, this research provides a series of propositions that can be used to help individuals understand an ethical environment and their role in promoting ethics in...
In the left hand column, enter the value to be associated with the label on the right. Normally the value is a number, but you can also use any text string, for example “f” for “female” or “Man” for “Manager.” When you clickOKthe value label will appear in the appropriate...
Policy analysts should evaluate research with a critical eye, focusing not only on a study's "bottom line" but also on the strengths and limitations of its research design and, especially, on the relevance of its findings to the problem-solving tasks at hand.10 Advocacy organizations often ...
This is a qualitative study using focus groups for data collection and a grounded theory approach for analysis. Four relevant stakeholder groups, pediatric surgeons and endoscopists, perioperative nurses, pediatric anesthesiologists, and parents of children who had undergone surgery at our facility, ...
Make them according to research grounded in data, previous experiences, and analysis of your potential customers’ behavior. Understand the greatest difficulties your audience faces to try to help solve them. 3. Where Do They Look for Information Online? Everyone needs information. Every day we ...
For instance, recent research has demonstrated that different levels of anthropomorphism could deeply influence how individuals behave toward robots (Riek, Rabinowitch, Chakrabarti, & Robinson, 2008) but also how it influences our most fundamental cognitive processes (Riether, Hegel, Wrede, & Horstmann...
Therefore, before the logical consequences model is used, we should make sure the approach has been determined to be effective through research. Chapter 1 Behavior Management Models ❖ 13 Reality Therapy Glasser (1965) developed control theory. Glasser's basic premise was ...
With this breakthrough study of the motivational forces behind human behavior, and grounded in the most up-to-date psychological research available, Dr. Steven Reiss explains the 16 desires and values that shape our behavior-and shows how the ways we prioritize them determines our personality. ...