In 2006 I was awarded a DTI government grant for my innovative approach to online video distribution. I created a short film platform for independent filmmakers to sell their films, and build an audience, who watched them on their mobile phones. This was before the smartphone era (before the...
Adopting a multi-criteria approach in forest management is essential for preserving or improving specific benefits while minimizing negative environmental
Letting go of relationships where the pain in staying is far worse than the pain in departing is the best gift you can grant yourself. Let go, you’d be surprised what time can heal. At work, never second doubt yourself, you are probably more skilled, talented, professional than most peo...
Define Phase Final user interface and specific functional requirements for the new system components will be derived from the practical application of applicable state and federal statutes, rules, regulations, and grant requirements. Building off the foundation laid during the Define Phase, the Learn Ph...
This study was financially supported by grants from the Koningin Wilhelmina Fonds voor de Nederlandse Kankerbestrijding (KWF-12045) and the European Union’s Horizon 2020 FET Proactive program under the grant agreement No. 731957 (MECHANO-CONTROL). Author information Authors and Affiliations Department...
was additionally supported by the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation (7000228060 to T.T.) and the JSPS KAKENHI Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research B (19H03249 to T.T.) and C (19K06723 to M.W.). Author Contributions A.R.F. directed the project. T.T., F.S. and A.R.F. wrote ...
Research in the Stark group is supported by the European Research Council (ERC) under the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme (grant agreement number 647320) and by the Austrian Science Fund (FWF, F4303-B09). Basic research at the IMP is supported by Boehringer ...
Economic growth in 2016 was 2 percent. Real GDP growth in 2017 was expec Why is ethnography important to anthropology? Why is the environment important to First Nations? Why was Grant Wood important?Explore our homework questions and answers library Search Brows...
(SDGKTHT) in many of them, similar to the motifs VSHITT and SFFIT described inN. glabratus. The SDGKTHT motif was therefore used to aid in the search of adhesins in this species. Unlike what had been previously reported, based on a more fragmented genome,N. bracarensishas a similar...
Nor does it help if your chal- lenge is to invent any way to accomplish some defined objective—for example, "Find some grant funds to close the anticipated gap between revenues and expenditures." These decision- and invention-type challenges are problems for the policy analyst but are not ...