” Mr. “I can’t be bothered figuring out how to get better at mini-golf in aisle three of the grocery store on a Sunday morning after church.” Mr. “I would never be seen trying to make my mini-golf swing perfect while I’m giving my wife a toast during our wedding anniversary...
To get a good sense of whether a particular use merits a label, and what kind of label, I need as much evidence before me as I can get, and I need it from as many different types of sources as I can find. My work is hampered if print sources refuse to print indelicate language....
In my code I also tried just importing the prisma client npm package: import { PrismaClient } from "npm:prisma/client"; but this also did would not run: error: Unable to load /home/greg/.cache/deno/npm/registry.npmjs.org/prisma/5.4.1/client imported from file:///home/greg/repos/bas...
Truth be told I don’t have a black horse. I should. At least a miniature pony. Or even a goat. With a cart. I live in the city and no goats or horses or ponies with carts are permitted. I could manage a few chickens but I’ve drawn the DIY line at chickens. I can get fre...
DDiifffeerreenntt tteecchhnniiqquueess ccaann bbee appliieedd to disaggregate nanoparticle clusters: ultrasoniccaattiioonn,, balblamllillinmgi,llhinogm, oghenoimzaotgioenni[z1a5t,2io7n,28,5[125].,2D7i,2sa8g,5g2r]e.gatDioinsaogfgnraengoatpiaornticleosf nchaannogpeasrtnicoltesonclhyat...
Kid (n.) A young goat. Kid (n.) A young child or infant; hence, a simple person, easily imposed on. Kid (n.) A kind of leather made of the skin of the young goat, or of the skin of rats, etc. Kid (n.) Gloves made of kid. Kid (n.) A small wooden mess tub; -- a...
Goat anti-rabbit IgG Secondary antibody HRP Thermo Scientific Cat# A27036, RRID:AB_2536099 Mouse monoclonal anti-Cyclin A (B-8) Santacruz Biotechnology Cat# sc-271682, RRID:AB_10709300 Mouse monoclonal anti-CDK1 (17) Santacruz Biotechnology Cat# sc-54, RRID:AB_627224 Mouse monoclonal anti-...