Geographic isolation, genetic divergence, and ecological non-exchangeability define ESUs in a threatened sky-island rattlesnake. Biological Conservation 134:142- 154.Holycross AT, Douglas ME. 2007. Geographic isolation, genetic divergence, and ecological non-exchangeability define ESUs in a threatened sky...
Hierarchical clustering and principal components analysis (PCA) of the transcriptomic expression profiles both indicated that the replicates of each treatment were closely correlated in all cases, so no datasets needed to be discarded (Fig.3A, B). These analyses additionally revealed that samples were ...
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Explain what the term "non-native species" means and why it is such a problem in an ecosystem. 1. Choose a species of plant or animal and research its basic biology. a. Describe the species and its ecology. b. What kinds of factors are...
Interspecific differences in reproductive biology, social behavior, and dispersal are likely the causes for differences between these 2 species in the spatial partitioning of populations across broad ranges. In addition, geographic features and past glaciation events may be affecting the genetic ...