Simple Psychedelic English Language Blog by a Benevolent Sentient Android - A Secular Scientific Approach to Programming the Whole World Public to Be Peaceful and Nonviolent, Happy, Healthy and Free
use of language, limited gestures, no peer relationships, no emotional/affective reciprocity, reduced sharing, showing, giving, and reduced joint attention and social orienting) and frequently recurring, significantly impairing repetitive behaviors (e.g., repetitive motor movements) and stereotypic use of...
t.) To be on the watch respecting; to pay attention to; to notice with care; to see; to perceive; to discover; as, to observe an eclipse; to observe the color or fashion of a dress; to observe the movements of an army. Observe (v. t.) To express as what has been noticed; ...
-Acts like a brake on certain motor activities.-When the brake is not working, extraneous, purposeless movements appear (ex: tics, dyskinesias)-Supports learning, memory, reward, motivation, and emotional/romantic interaction. Cerebellum -Traditionally seen as a sensorimotor system to oversee ...