define、enum、const 1.#defineMAX 10---c语言定义符号常量#define指令指定一个符号名称代表一个常量,类型无关。定义符号常量时应“见名知意”。能做到“一改全改”。这是预编译指令,他只是用符号常量代表一个字符串,在预编译只进行字符替换,在预编译后,符号常量就不存在了。(不分配存储单元,只是一个临时符号...
我想在C中的宏中使用switch语句。我有以下代码段: enum errors { ERROR_NO_MEMORY, ERROR_INVALID_INDEX, ERROR_INVALID_VALUE }; #define MSG_NO_MEMORY "could not allocate memory" #define MSG_INVALID_INDEX "index out of bounds" #define MSG_INVALID_VALUE "invalid value passed as input 浏览0提问...
Assuming a pristine execution environment with all names and properties referring to their initial values,Object.definePropertiesis almost completely equivalent (note the comment inisCallable) to the following reimplementation in JavaScript: function defineProperties(obj, properties) { function convertToDescri...
C中通常用#define,,C++就像上所说.用const 了.. 或是枚举enum方法.. #define命令也就是宏定义命令.. 1.作变量说明: #definePI 3.1415926 2.宏嵌套,一个宏名也可以出现在另一个宏定义的宏替换体中.. #defineRAD PI/180 3.作符号替换用 #defineERROR "error!!" 4.宏定义还可以作为语句..或是带参数....
原博文 enum 与 #define 2016-09-12 10:33 −... xiulug 0 379 UDF——在udf当中添加几个有意思的宏 2019-11-11 19:46 −很多人的udf都不是自己写的,直接从网上复制粘贴的,编译的时候经常报错。我编写了下面这段示例代码: 我们使用小软件编译:
You put some extra information into the Language and Country enum, such as dialling code and in which countries which languages are official. There is all kinds of extra information could be added per country or per language. But the more is added, the more of a maintenance effort it is ...
Enums OpenXava supports Java 5 enums. An enum allows you to define a property that can hold one of the indicated values only . It's easy to use, let's see this example: private Distance distance; public enum Distance { LOCAL, NATIONAL, INTERNATIONAL }; The distance property only can ...
Version: grpc-protobuf 1.14.0 Language: Java OS: Windows 7 Steps to reproduce the behavior: Define the following two enum in the same proto file, both TestEnum1 and TestEnum2 have a enum constant named UNKNOWN. enum TestEnum1 { IDLE = 0;...
(A) > (B) ?...———五、字面量语法尽量使用字面量值来创建 NSString , NSDictionary , NSArray , NSNumber 这些不可变对象:推荐这样写:数量多是对齐分行显示...类型(UnStart) //订单任务类型 typedef NS_ENUM(NSUInteger, GJROrderState) { GJROrderStateUnStart = 0, //未开始 1K186 项目资源...
872 How do I dynamically assign properties to an object in TypeScript? 783 How do I convert a string to enum in TypeScript? 582 How can I create an object based on an interface file definition in TypeScript? Hot Network Questions What effect will a planet’s narcotic atmosphere have ...