The ENSO patterns are measured by sea surface temperatures (SST) in the NINO3.4 region of the Pacific, which fluctuate with maxima (El Niño) or minima (La Niña) typically occurring during the boreal winter (Supplementary Fig. S4)32 and transitions occurring during the summer when most agr...
The term paleo-synanthropic niche refers to the commensal synanthropic behavior of certain animals in the Paleolithic, the earliest archaeological period. The activities of Pleistocene humans influenced the environment and created a new micro-environment that allowed certain animals to exploit this new e...
Regarding roads, a simple elastic impact model was adopted to calculate the height of the scar produced by the impact of a rock block on the asphalt with a given impact energy. Adopting Clapeyron’s theorem of linear elasticity and using a Winkler model for the contact soil–road foundation ...
2.2.2. Rule Learning Based on the ranked genes from MCFS, we identified simple and interpretable rules for classifying different glioma subtypes using a rough set-based rule-learning algorithm. We detected interactions among the different genes that were represented as rules. A rule describes a ...
A filter feature selection algorithm called RELIEF [23] was applied, which proved to be very simple and efficient for evaluating feature qualities. The key idea of the RELIEF algorithm is to estimate the quality of features that have weights greater than the thresholds using the difference in ...