are typically "underrepre- sented" in government and politics, and because the analyst is in a better position than most other participants in the process to see or understand or appreciate this problem of underrepresentation, the analyst is duty-bound, or at least permitted, in the name of...
) Not to attend to with due care or attention; to forbear one's duty in regard to; to suffer to pass unimproved, unheeded, undone, etc.; to omit; to disregard; to slight; as, to neglect duty or business; to neglect to pay debts. Neglect (adv.) To omit to notice; to forbear ...
t.) To bind or firmly hold to an act; to compel; to constrain; to bind to any act of duty or courtesy by a formal pledge. Obligation (n.) The act of obligating. Obligation (n.) That which obligates or constrains; the binding power of a promise, contract, oath, or vow, or of...