好久没有更新DPM模型的UDF相关文章了,一直在写MATLAB的文章。 最近准备更新两个UDF。 第一个是DEFINE_DPM_OUTPUT,即采样UDF,用于获得颗粒在某些特征位置的参数,特征位置可以是自定义线、面、体,也可以是边界,用于获得颗粒到达这些特征面的撞击位置、速度、粒径、时间等参数。fluent不自带这个功能,所以必须要用UDF。
Define the Python object members: staticPyMemberDefdbr_members[]={{"COLOR_CLUTERING_MODE",T_OBJECT_EX,offsetof(DynamsoftBarcodeReader,COLOR_CLUTERING_MODE),0,NULL},{"COLOR_CONVERSION_MODE",T_OBJECT_EX,offsetof(DynamsoftBarcodeReader,COLOR_CONVERSION_MODE),0,NULL},{"GRAY_SCALE_TRANSFORMATION_MODE...
define/user-defined/execute-on-demand/"ondeman" I don't get any output or acknowledgment from tui that this function is executed..neither do i get any output or acknowledgment on consol when i run this on the the GUI. So how can i know that this function is executed? and what...
dpm- dpm- dpm-1.8.0-shlib-macosx.patch dpm-toolfile.spec dpm.spec dwz.spec eigen-disable-tests.patch eigen-toolfile.spec eigen.spec elfutils.spec evtgen-1.6.0-configure-new-gcc.patch evtgen-toolfile.spec evtgen.spec expat-too...
Actions of the Federal Reserve Fiscal Policy Fiscal Policy - Government effort to control the economy and maintain stable prices, full employment, and economic growth. Fiscal Policy.
/define/user-defined/dpm/injections/injection-properties/set/udf/initialisation "fn2::case1" -->command2 for activating the random initialisation of particles If not i will use the GUI journal command (cx-gui-do cx-set-list-selections "Discrete Phase Model*Frame2*Frame3(UDF...
Symbol Vnom Pnom fnom Nnom Tnom Jm Nph Np Ns Nr g Lstk rrot wPM lPM dPM Br Parameter nominal voltage nominal power nominal frequency nominal speed nominal torque motor inertia number of phases number of poles number of stator teeth number of rotor teeth air gap length rotor stack length ...