Configure Interfaces Using Data Models in a gRPC Session Google-defined remote procedure call () is an open-source RPC framework. gRPC supports IPv4 and IPv6 address families. The client applications use this protocol to request information from the router, and make configura...
Install hlslib using the standard CMake installation procedure to a location of your choice. Clone this repository into your project as a git submodule and integrate it, with or without CMake. How do I use it? Just #include the header(s) you are interested in, and/or put the CMake fi...
If AAA authorization is not configured, the command and data rules associated to the groups that are assigned to the user are bypassed. An IOS-XR user can have full read-write access to the IOS-XR configuration through...
I started a Jakarta Faces Project, but all Faces-Tags in my *.xhtml are red:URI is not registered (Settings | Languages & Frameworks...
Procedure Four criteria were used to select the sample: (a) being a graduate with a disability; (b) having obtained a degree in some Spanish university between the academic years 2016/2017 and 2021/2022; (c) diversity of age, disability, gender, and field of knowledge; and (d) availabili...
GLOBAL,SPL_vardata_typeDEFAULTDefault Value1REFERENCESBYTETEXTDEFAULT NULL , SPL_var data_typeREFERENCESBYTETEXTLIKEviewsynonymtable.columnPROCEDUREBLOBCLOBSubset of Complex Data Types2distinct_typeopaque_type ; ElementDescriptionRestrictionsSyntax columnColumn nameMust already exist in thetableorviewIdentifier ...
Procedure Create a 2d index on the address field. Specify a location precision of 32 bits: db.contacts.createIndex( { address: "2d" }, { bits: 32 } )Next Steps You can use the 2d index to perform calculations on location data, such as proximity queries. ...
Specifies that the procedure name should be used as the user ID. If =MEMBER is specified for USER, a group-name value should be specified for the GROUP operand. If =MEMBER is specified for both USER and GROUP, a warning message is issued and problems might result when the profile is use...
Procedure Create a 2d index on the address field. Specify the following location bounds: min bound of -75 max bound of 60 db.contacts.createIndex( { address: "2d" }, { min: -75, max: 60 } )Results The index covers a smaller location range and has increased performance than a ...
sample preparation QC. Further information on research design is available in theNature Research Reporting Summarylinked to this article. Data distribution was assumed to be normal but this was not formally tested. Data collection and analysis were not performed blind to the conditions of the ...