of the Nucleus Accumbens for Free - Electrically Stimulating the Individual Cells Inside the Pleasure Center in the Brain With Nanobots for Free - Changing the Whole Worldwide Economic System by Motivating People and Making Them Happy With Invisible Computers Instead of Money - Putting a Happy End...
Dispersion ranged from 0 to 33%; 88% of GPVs were considered “consistent” (dispersion < 25%) and 9 groups had 0% variation, indicating high consistency. Example GPVs include: 240mL for milk (16 inputs, 8% dispersion); 90 g for meat/poultry/fish main dishes (16 inputs, 13%...
aWhether it is a pre-made bulk pack of lobster rangoons, or mince meat for use in salads and spring rolls, New Brunswick companies are very responsive to meeting your specialized specifications. 它是否是前做的大块盒龙虾rangoons,或者剁碎肉用于沙拉和春卷,新不伦瑞克公司对符合您的专业规格是非常敏感...
The recent growth of export surpluses (过剩) on the world food market has certainly been unexpectedly great,partly because of two strange successful grain harvests. North America is now being followed by a third. Most of Britain's overseas suppliers of meat,too,are offering more this year and...
[2,3,4]. The major contributor toCampylobacter-associated human disease is the consumption of contaminated meat products but other sources include contaminated water [5]. In the UK, over 55% ofC. jejunicases have been associated with poultry [6].C. coliis linked to chickens, but is ...
Nidor (n.) Scent or savor of meat or food, cooked or cooking. Nidorose (a.) Nidorous. Nidorous (a.) Resembling the smell or taste of roast meat, or of corrupt animal matter. Nidulant (a.) Nestling, as a bird in itss nest. Nidulant (a.) Lying loose in pulp or cotton withi...
This dish of taro leaves cooked in rich coconut milk is an everyday staple in Bicol. Morsels of meat and chili are added to give punch to the Laing. It’s eaten with steamed rice. The authentic versions from kitchens in Naga and Albay are most delicious. ...
to chop up (meat etc) to chop off (sb's hand etc) Example Usage 铎Trad.鐸 Duó surnameDuo 铎Trad.鐸 duó large ancient bell 朵 duǒ flower earlobe fig. item on both sides classifier for flowers, clouds etc Example UsageShowStrokes ...
) A kind of delicate forcemeat, commonly poached and used as a dish by itself or for garnishing. Quenouille training () A method of training trees or shrubs in the shape of a cone or distaff by tying down the branches and pruning. Quercitannic (a.) Pertaining to, or designating, a...
dried meat 皖系战败Trad.皖系戰敗 Wǎn xì zhàn bài Anhui faction of Northern Warlords (1912-c. 1920), led byDuanQirui 段祺瑞 with Japanese support 媏 duān (used in female names) (old) 端Trad.耑 duān old variant of 端[duan1] start origin ...