The second goal seems more simple, yet it covers a bit more of the SMART checklist. We know that they want to recruit 500 new employees in 2020. You can easily measure it and show results. It’s clear that this is a task for HR and we know when to expect the results.But is this...
You can personalize different parts of the customer journey to gain their confidence. For example, you can onboard new customers with a welcome kit tailored to their details, like name, company, package, etc. Personalization also goes a long way in email marketing. You can create multiple cust...
The choice between Transactional and Relational NPS depends on the business’s goals and the specific insights they seek to gain. Many companies find value in using both approaches in tandem, as they provide complementary insights. Transactional NPS offers immediate, actionable feedback on specific in...
The choice between Transactional and Relational NPS depends on the business’s goals and the specific insights they seek to gain. Many companies find value in using both approaches in tandem, as they provide complementary insights. Transactional NPS offers immediate, actionable feedback on specific i...
To gain deeper insights, include an open-ended follow-up question such as: “What is the primary reason for your score?” This question allows customers to provide specific, qualitative feedback and elaborate on their rating. This offers valuable context that can highlight strengths an...
To gain deeper insights, include an open-ended follow-up question such as: “What is the primary reason for your score?” This question allows customers to provide specific, qualitative feedback and elaborate on their rating. This offers valuable context that can highlight strengths and areas ...
While upsampling is avoided, the Lagrange polynomial (Lgr) is used to gain robustness using a non-homogeneous system with a single solution and raw pixel data. In this paper, Section 2 presents the data of the study areas used to carry out the assessments and comparisons of the shoreline ...