More than 800 million people suffer from kidney disease, yet the mechanism of kidney dysfunction is poorly understood. In the present study, we define the genetic association with kidney function in 1.5 million individuals and identify 878 (126 new) loci
the urine volume was normalized based on the creatinine levels, a normalizer we found to be optimal for EV studies. The EVtrap beads were provided by Tymora Analytical Operations and were utilized and validated as described previously26,27,28,37,39. In brief,...
the urine volume was normalized based on the creatinine levels, a normalizer we found to be optimal for EV studies. The EVtrap beads were provided by Tymora Analytical Operations and were utilized and validated as described previously26,27,28,37,39. In brief,...
(I) x 10(-4) min x microU(-1) x ml(-1)), estimated by a frequently sampled intravenous glucose tolerance test and the minimal model and fasting plasma insulin concentration, to microalbuminuria (albumin-to-cr...
Active kidney vasculitis was assessed using kidney biopsy findings or, when kidney tissue was unavailable, according to clinical practice as new or increasing erythrocyturia, and/or proteinuria, and/or a rise in serum creatinine. The study was approved by the local ethics committees and informed ...