lesions are ill-defined and consequently it is difficult to find relevant image features that would enable detection and classification of lesions by classical methods of texture and shape analysis, the problem is solved by automatic feature extraction provided by a deep Convolutional Neural Network (...
This example shows how to create a PReLU layer[1], which is a layer with a learnable parameter, and use it in a convolutional neural network.A PReLU layer performs a threshold operation, where for each channel, any input value less than zero is multiplied by a scalar learned at ...
Neural Network The neural network building blocks in this program supports two types of layers: Convolutional Layers - The syntax is written as('conv', <#width>, <#output depth>). Note that the height of the image patches is assumed to be 1 to enforce exchangeability. ...
lesions are ill-defined and consequently it is difficult to find relevant image features that would enable detection and classification of lesions by classical methods of texture and shape analysis, the problem is solved by automatic feature extraction provided by a deep Convolutional Neural Network (...