How do we challenge society’s unquestioning acceptance of ‘newer is better’ and re-establish a relationship with technology [...] 我们该如何挑战社 会对“新即是好”的无条件接受, 如何重 新建 立以选择而非必要性为基础的人与技术的关系? The milit...
CONTRIBUTE_TO_CAPITAL_MIN_DEV_RATIO 0.5 宗主国的发展度乘以此值必须小于附庸国的发展度时,可以使用首都进贡功能 FORCE_SEPPUKU_POWER_MULTIPLIER 5 勒令切腹所能获得此数值乘以被害君主三项属性对应的点数 SHOGUN_INTERACTIONS_DURATION 10 幕府政体特殊功能持续时间 SHOGUN_INTERACTIONS_LEGITIMACY -20 幕府政体特殊功能花...
aPhLA is of considerable interest as aprecursor for pharmaceutical and biorefinery products, particularlybio-based polymers, and its production from renewable substratesis therefore expected to contribute to the development of a sustain-able society 因此PhLA是可观的利益作为aprecursor为配药和biorefinery产品...
When conflict exists between two groups the group that gains the most power, wealth and prestige becomes the majority regardless of its size. The five major factors that contribute to such conflict are visible differences between groups, competition for resources, racist ideology, potential for exploi...
religious, media and civil society representatives who can use their influence to achieve progressoncommon objectives. 他同政治、宗教、媒体和民间社会代表进一步接触 和对话,这些代表可以利用其影响力,在实现共同目标方面取得进展。
As part of the way forward for sustainable development, actors in the built environment, including the related upstream and downstream economic sectors, strive to protect their traditional business interests, along with fulfilling their responsibility towards society and the environment. They orient themsel...
Describe ageism and give two examples of ageism in society. Describe the characteristics typically associated with popular children. What are the major types of personality traits? What is the name of the type of thinking that humans do naturally? What is the weakness of this type of ...
1949:1984by George Orwell. Orwell’sdystopiannovel explores how technology could be used nefariously to control society. 1950:I,Robotby Isaac Asimov. Asimov wrote a huge number of science fiction stories and other works, including those discussing his influential “Three Laws of Robotics.” ...
If you want to contribute to an existing project in the DeepModeling community, please just do so or contact the corresponding developer directly; if you want to open a new project in the DeepModeling community, or if you want the DeepModeling community to help develop your project, just con...
storage, mobile, solutions and services. This transformation together with Lenovo’s world-changing innovation is building a more inclusive, trustworthy, and sustainable digital society for everyone, everywhere. To find out more visit,and read about the latest news via ourStory...