A mixture of regressions approach focuses overly on anomalous trajectories and is sensitive to model coding. Conclusions Statistical clustering can be used to form sampling strata when longitudinal measures are of primary interest. Many clustering algorithms are available; the choice of the clustering ...
Long non-coding RNA RPKM: Reads per kilobase of transcript per million mapped reads scWAT: Subcutaneous white adipose tissue TSS: Transcription start site WHR: Waist to hip ratio References Vague J. The degree of masculine differentiation of obesities: a factor determining predisposition to...
A sample of six Argentine SMEs from manufacturing, services and construction sectors was used to evaluate specific CSR initiatives in the areas of social development. A total of 23 interviews were conducted, and open coding was used to analyze and develop categories and themes from the data ...
A mixture of regressions approach focuses overly on anomalous trajectories and is sensitive to model coding. Conclusions Statistical clustering can be used to form sampling strata when longitudinal measures are of primary interest. Many clustering algorithms are available; the choice of the clustering ...
The coding of interview transcripts identified seven major themes: motivations to develop an oral health curriculum; rationale for curriculum topics covered; best aspects of the curriculum; evaluation and assessment strategies; relationships with dental providers and residents and dental hygienists; barriers...
Lincoln.; Coding occurred on two levels: data identification and interpretive construction of analysis.; Data analysis reveals that parents with at least one deaf child should adopt a family systems paradigm and participate in the Deaf community and culture. Reading is integral to both professional ...
We were particularly interested in how their definitions of success could be classified into different achievement goal categories and along different dimensions of motivation principles (More detail about these coding categories is presented in the Section 2.3 below). A second research question was ...