alert(cat1.hasOwnProperty("type")); // false 6.3 in运算符 in运算符可以用来判断,某个实例是否含有某个属性,不管是不是本地属性。 alert("name"incat1); // true alert("type"incat1); // true in运算符还可以用来遍历某个对象的所有属性。 for(varpropincat1) { alert("cat1["+prop+"]="+...
In the example above you see that the method getInfo() of the Apple "class" was defined in a separate function getAppleInfo(). While this works fine, it has one drawback – you may end up defining a lot of these functions and they are all in the "global namespece". This m...
+ (JSValue *)_evaluateScript:(NSString *)script withSourceURL:(NSURL *)resourceURL { ... NSString *formatedScript = [NSString stringWithFormat: @";(function(){try{\n%@\n}catch(e){_OC_catch(e.message, e.stack)}})();", [_regex stringByReplacingMatchesInString:script options:0 ran...
1.在 defineClass 里定义 OC 已存在的方法即可覆盖,方法名规则与调用规则一样,使用_分隔: //OC@implementationJPTestObject- (void)tableView:(UITableView *)tableViewdidSelectRowAtIndexPath:(NSIndexPath*)indexPath{ }@end // JSdefineClass("JPTableViewController",{tableView_didSelectRowAtIndexPath:function...
Node js : Best way to define entity class If you start to use a DB like mongo, you might be better off creating objects with mongoose but that's personal preference as well. As for your example - 1) Export Person module.exports =Person;...
All state vars and literal vars will inherit from one of the 6 fundamental Var types (based on the resulting type in generated JS code). These types will define the valid operations that are allowed. Each Var Operation class will also inherit from one of these types to define the result ...
For more information about using this method, seeDefining and deriving types with WinJS.Class. For information about using constructors to define types in JavaScript, seeUsing Constructors to Define Types. WinJS.Namespace.defineandWinJS.Class.defineprovide special handling for objects of members tha...
if (class_respondsToSelector(currCls, NSSelectorFromString(selectorName))) { overrideMethod(currCls, selectorName, jsMethod, !isInstance, NULL); } else { BOOL overrided = NO; for (NSString *protocolName in protocols) { char *types = methodTypesInProtocol(protocolName, selectorName, isInstance,...
Demystify Backbone.js: Event in Backbone.js –Part-15 Demystify Backbone.js: Event in Backbone.js –Part-14 Demystify Backbone.js: Event in Backbone.js –Part-13 Demystify Backbone.js: Implement Collection in Backbone.js –Part-12 More articles from Sourav.KayalComments...
Node js : Best way to define entity class If you start to use a DB like mongo, you might be better off creating objects with mongoose but that's personal preference as well. As for your example - 1) Export Person module.exports = Person;...