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标准GT2皮带 */ #define BELT_PITCH 2 #define PULLEY_TEETH 36 //传动轮齿数36齿 #define PULLEY_CIRCUMFERENCE (BELT_PITCH * PULLEY_TEETH) //传动轮周长为齿数X齿距 /** 定义步进转一圈的步数,这里是200,即1.8度步进* 分享12 c语言吧 signify 【转】 使用C语言编写提取通用shellcode的程序出处:internet...
) The quarter of a circle, or of the circumference of a circle, an arc of 90¡, or one subtending a right angle at the center. Quadrant (n.) One of the four parts into which a plane is divided by the coordinate axes. The upper right-hand part is the first quadrant; the upper...