L_BrightnessDetection L_BrowseDir L_BumpMapBitmap L_CancelPlaybackWait L_CanLoadDoc L_CannyEdgeDetectorBitmap L_CanvasBitmap L_ChangeBitmapCompression L_ChangeBitmapContrast L_ChangeBitmapHeight L_ChangeBitmapHue L_ChangeBitmapIntensity L_ChangeBitmapSaturation L_ChangeBitmapViewPerspective L_Change...
light interacts with objects. it traces rays of light from the viewer's perspective, and each ray bounces off surfaces, interacts with materials, and ultimately determines the color and brightness of pixels in the final image. why is ray tracing considered superior to traditional rendering methods...
On a television screen, the color and the brightness of an image are expressed by color difference signal (color difference value) and luminance signal (luminance value), respectively. A boundary between two colors, particularly extending in a direction intercepting the horizontal scanning direction, ...
*/ L_INT AnnDefineExample(HWND hWnd, HANNOBJECT hContainer)/* Container annotation object */ { L_INT nRet; POINT ThisPoint; /* Simulates the mouse position in the current window */ static RECT rClientRect; /* Rectangle for the window's client area */ static HANNOBJECT MyObj; /* ...