They regarded the personal synonyms for “vulnerability” as challenges common to all humans, not only applicable to them. They welcomed debate and exploration around the word, as this enabled them, in particular the young delegates, to discuss steps, strategies and possibilities for improvement. ...
Synonyms: lease, rent. 10. to make trite or stale by frequent use; hackney. verb (used without object) 11. Informal. to drive a taxi. 12. to ride or drive on the road at an ordinary pace, as distinguished from cross-country riding or racing. 13. British. to rent a horse, especial...
Synonyms: lease, rent. 10. to make trite or stale by frequent use; hackney. verb (used without object) 11. Informal. to drive a taxi. 12. to ride or drive on the road at an ordinary pace, as distinguished from cross-country riding or racing. 13. British. to rent a horse, especial...