Keep in mind, that when you extend an existing table with new fields, you must stick within the number ranges that are provided to you by Microsoft. Correspondingly, it's also important to give your fields an English name that can only exist once in a table....
Further, what is the location of those bits within the context of the fields? For example, in hardware I may have some register r such that, when r[5] = 1, {r[6] r[4:0]} is a pointer to memory, when r[5:4] = 2'b01, r[6] is a sign bit and r[3:0] is a magnitude...
padding f32 will work just as well, and has the benefit that it already works, also you can use padding2 u8 etc in the same struct. Supporting anonymous _ in struct field declarations, will complicate the compiler for no benefit imho. As Jalon said, this eliminates the need to name the...
Bit fields Lambda expressions in C++ Arrays References Pointers Exception handling in C++ Assertion and user-supplied messages Modules Templates Event handling Microsoft-specific modifiers Compiler COM support Microsoft extensions Nonstandard behavior Compiler limits C/C++ preprocessor reference C++ standard libr...
Bit fields Lambda expressions in C++ Arrays References Pointers Exception handling in C++ Assertion and user-supplied messages Modules Templates Event handling Microsoft-specific modifiers Compiler COM support Microsoft extensions Nonstandard behavior
invoked in 31-bit mode or the high-order bit of the user-exit address is on as specified for the VDEFINE service. The high-order bit contains the AMODE and the remainder of the word contains the address. If bit 0 contains 1, the exit routine is given control in 31-bit addressing ...
I've looked at .bss, and while I can defines different fields in it, it still reserves space in the program, and I don't need space reserved - I just need a data structure definition so I'm not using magic numbers. Perhaps there is a utility to convert a C struct to an assembly...
ChannelName or SYSTEM.CLUSTER.TRANSMIT.QUEUE, depending on the value of the queue manager DEFCLXQ attribute. By specifying asterisks, " * ", in CLCHNAME, you can associate a transmission queue with a set of cluster-sender channels. The asterisks can be at the beginning, end, or any ...
diagnostic operations on the target device. You assign each bit error test (BERT) operation a unique ID and use this ID to manage the BERT operations. The diag.proto file is availablein the Github repository. Feat...
Keep in mind, that when you extend an existing table with new fields, you must stick within the number ranges that are provided to you by Microsoft. Correspondingly, it's also important to give your fields an English name that can only exist once in a table....