Management of axial back pain: A critical view The current issue of Techniques in Regional Anesthesia and Pain Management tackles a controversial topic: axial spine pain from intervertebral disc disease... Ali Mchaourab MD Guest Editor,Karen Knight MD - 《Techniques in Regional Anesthesia & Pain ...
Abbreviations Fig2: AXP: axial progenitors; CM: cardiac mesoderm; END: endoderm; L/PXP: lateral/paraxial mesoderm progenitors; MEPC: mesendoderm progenitors; NE: neuroectoderm; NLC: notochordal-like cells; NMP: neuromesodermal progenitors; NO: notochord; PS: primitive-streak. Inhibition of Tgf-...
) Of or pertaining to the occiput, or back part of the head, or to the occipital bone. Occipital (n.) The occipital bone. Occipito- () A combining form denoting relation to, or situation near, the occiput; as, occipito-axial; occipito-mastoid. Occipitoaxial (a.) Of or pertaining ...