Display attributes = NAME (attribute with the city name) Orderby = Name (sorts by city names) Reposition the controls as desired and exit the Form Designer. If SQL errors occur, check the settings of the above steps. Also, check to be certain that the indices of the attributes you ...
Table Name LM_BORDERPOINT (This table stores all filter attributes. If they are stored in different tables, you can create a view containing the attributes.) Attribute 1 Description Point Number Attribute 1 BORDER_POINT_NUMBER Attribute 2 Description Marker Attribute 2 ID_BORDER_POINT_TYPE ...
L_SetOverlayAttributes L_SetOverlayBitmap L_SetOverlayCallback L_SetPaintContrast L_SetPaintGamma L_SetPaintIntensity L_SetPCDResolution L_SetPDFInitDir L_SetPDFOptions L_SetPDFSaveOptions L_SetPlaybackIndex L_SetPLTOptions L_SetPowerPointOptions L_SetPNGTRNS L_SetPSTOptions L_SetPTKOptions L_...
If your footprint symbols carry the X?TERMxx attributes, their XYZ wire connection location is included in the report and offset by these values. Use the Setup button to define the default wire connection text format used by the Wire Annotation command. Click OK. Related Concepts...
Table Name LM_BORDERPOINT (This table stores all filter attributes. If they are stored in different tables, you can create a view containing the attributes.) Attribute 1 Description Point Number Attribute 1 BORDER_POINT_NUMBER Attribute 2 Description Marker Attribute 2 ID_BORDER_POINT_TYPE ...