In this article, the author discusses the importance of grammar in writing and also defines the work of writing centers. She states that several writing centers are unable to help the students with grammar. She also suggests different writing centers to create their own mission statements and ...
This article provides guidelines on how to make useful game definitions and discusses when that is a worthwhile undertaking. It examines a recent article a
Notochordal Cell-Based Treatment Strategies and Their Potential in Intervertebral Disc Regeneration Front. Cell Dev. Biol., 9 (2021), Article 780749 Google Scholar 15 R.C.V. Tyser, E. Mahammadov, S. Nakanoh, L. Vallier, A. Scialdone, S. Srinivas Single-cell transcriptomic characterization ...
Next article in issue Keywords genome organization DNA loop cohesin CTCF transcription gene expression stem cell cellular identity WIZ Introduction Eukaryotic genomes are organized into DNA loops that play important roles in gene expression control. DNA binding proteins and transcriptional cofactors can facil...