Since obj is not a method of self (MyObject::Encrypted:0x7f190eebcd1) you get the NoMethodError. In modern ruby, instead of saying the relatively arcane, (class << obj; self; end) to get the singleton class, you can use the singleton_class method like so: obj.singleton_class.class_...
For Information On Mysticism Surrounding This Theory Go Here: For Proof Of Magic Go Here: To Study Magic More Directly Go Here: For New Legal Reforms Regarding Universe Generators Go Here: ...
Naming Conventions Naming Conventions lend consistency and readabilty to your code. This in turn improves the overall maintainability of code. When naming your objects and variables, try to avoid arcane acronyms. Spell it out where possible. Refer to the table below for accepted industry standard ...
As he had run to the artifact that called to him – demanded his attention – he paused – whispering ancient words of arcane lore that sprung to his mind as the Veil of Magic surged all around him – and a spectral figure of a gold dragon emerged in the room – roaring as it spread...
The main focus of the dolls have been life in Quarantine and first responder Barbie and Ken Dolls that put fun take on the weird purgatory that we’ve all been living through for the past few months. Check them out below.
很高兴看到《Chivalry: Medieval Warfare》开发商 Torn Banner 也参加了展会。他们在 PC 游戏展中展出了魔法对战游戏《Mirage: Arcane Warfare》,将于秋季发售。 必须对独立团队 High Horse Entertainment 表示祝贺,他们的游戏 Disc Jam 是 Giant Bomb 网站上观看次数最多的 E3 宣传片。Sony 宣布这款竞技多人游戏将...