How did John Stuart Mill change philosophy and political thought? What was John Stuart Mill's definition of happiness? What is utilitarianism according to John Stuart Mill? Explain the argument John Stuart Mill makes in 'On Liberty' for individual freedoms. What conception of value did John Stuar...
What is the legacy of colonialism and independence in Africa? Give specific examples and compare to how it affects modern day. What caused the division of India in the mid-20th century? How did philosophy effect humanism? Describe the origins of geography What effect did the Gestapo ha...
Identify at least three characteristics of classical humanism. How can natural selection act on innate and learned behaviors? Explain the concept of nature versus nurture. What is the connection between Weber's Law, Fechner's Law, and Steven's Power Law?
Define and differentiate __epistemology__ from __methodology__. Why was Carl Rogers important to humanism? According to Aristotle, how might one attain the good life? How would Aristotle approach understanding what a tree is? a. Develop a concept of an ideal tree. b. Observe as many trees...
Explain particular judgement as it pertains to Christian ethics. What theoretical approach proposes that no universal values exist? a. Humanism b. Atheism c. Relativism d. Unitarianism. What does double consciousness mean? Describe the major theories of emotion and the universality of its ex...
When was Existentialism is Humanism written? Was Spinoza a pantheist? Who was Immanuel Kant? Where does Descartes explain substance dualism? Where did Bertrand Russell study paradoxes? What is transcendental idealism? What is Soren Kierkegaard's philosophy? What is humanist essentialism? Who was Jacqu...
Answer and Explanation: Teleological ethics can be defined as an ethical perspective that proposes morality as an obligation or duty determined by the goodness of the actions...
Stoicism: Stoicism is a school of thought that focuses on logic and personal ethics. They believed that perception played a huge role in the basis of knowledge and that moral virtue is an important element for humans. Answer and Explana...
Answer to: What is eudaimonia, and how is this notion different from pleasure? How does Aristotle define the term and why does he consider it to be...
How does existential humanism affect one's morality according to Sartre? Describe, in detail, two of the problems O'Neill finds the Utilitarianism, as an ethical theory. Be clear about her reasons supporting her criticism. Explore our homework questions and answers library ...