Nail (n.) The terminal horny plate on the beak of ducks, and other allied birds. Nail (n.) A slender, pointed piece of metal, usually with a head, used for fastening pieces of wood or other material together, by being driven into or through them. Nail (a.) A measure of length, ...
Nigel Cross38 and Bruce Archer39 both argue that design should be the third area of education, alongside science and the arts and humanities, in addition to being a field of professional education. Don Norman argued that design operates across disciplines, and that specialist programs such as ind...
) A public hall or room, for the use of visitors at watering places and health resorts in Germany. Kusimanse (n.) A carnivorous animal (Crossarchus obscurus) of tropical Africa. It its allied to the civets. Called also kusimansel, and mangue. Kuskus () See Vetiver. Kussier (n.) (...