1. define as:将某事物或概念明确地归类或解释为某种特定的含义。 例如:The law defines a crime as an act that is punishable by law. 2. define something in terms of something:从某个角度或以某种标准来解释或界定某事物。 例如:We need to define success in terms of personal fulfillment, not just...
1. The powers of the courts are defined by law. 法庭的权力是由法律规定的。 2. Reason defines man. 理性是人的特点。 3. The mountain was clearly defined against the light of the eastern sky. 东方天空的光芒使那座山清晰地显露出来。
Child welfare: The Fostering Connections to Success and Increasing Adoptions Act of 2008 This report provides an overview of the bill Fostering Connections to Success and Increasing Adoptions Act of 2008 (H.R. 6893). The report discusses many of the changes included in the new law. E Stoltzfus...
5. All ideas are not susceptible of definitions, and many words cannot be defined. This inability is frequently supplied, in a considerable degree, by descriptions. (q.v.) A Law Dictionary, Adapted to the Constitution and Laws of the United States. By John Bouvier. Published 1856. ...
1. The regulations define that any act of using the IPRs forcommercial purpose without authorization constitutes wrongdoing. 2. Easier access to information worldwide subverts people's reference system by which they define their happiness. 3. " It's hard to define what we mean by'intentional',...
How can natural selection act on innate and learned behaviors? Explain the concept of nature versus nurture. What is the connection between Weber's Law, Fechner's Law, and Steven's Power Law? In what way does ethical subjectivism make us infallible? Is this a positive for the...
Maritime Drug Law Enforcement ActThis article demonstrates that the Define and Punish Clause limits the power of the U.S. Congress to criminalize conduct that lacks a U.S. nexus. The article begins with some issues of interpretive method. It then examines the origins and purposes of the ...
The Dream Act – Immigration Law Reform in 2010? Shamika W. Patrick July 26, 2024 0 News Legal Are Motorcycles Covered Under California Lemon Law? Shamika W. Patrick July 25, 2024 0 News Legal How to Attract a Specific Person Using Law of Attraction Shamika W. Patrick July ...
英文单词define的单语例句 1.Theregulationsdefinethatanyactofusingwithoutauthorizationconstituteswrongdoing. 2.Easieraccesstoinformationworldwidesubvertswhichtheydefinetheirhappiness..by'intentional',Hesaid. 4.Thesecondshoulddefinethepollutantcarryingcapacityofwaterbodies,andcontrollingthevolumeofpollutantsdischargedinto...
possession of banks.The ownership of other people's money in one's own accounts still belongs to others and the account owner does not possess the money.So to report the loss and claim other people's money under one's own account is an act of larceny,but not the crime of embezzlement....