From the RACF parameter library? Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes For information on issuing this command as a RACF TSO command, refer to RACF TSO commands. For information on issuing this command as a RACF operator command, refer to RACF operator commands. You must be logged on to the console to ...
Use the DEFINE compiler option to assign a literal value to a compilation variable that is defined in the program by using the DEFINE directive with the PARAMETER phrase. The literal value provided for the compilation variable in the DEFINE option is som
Parameter Rückgabewert Bemerkungen 2 weitere anzeigen Definiert einen Medienuntertyp GUID aus einem FOURCC-Code,D3DFORMATWert oder Audioformattyp. Syntax C++ voidDEFINE_MEDIATYPE_GUID( name, format ); Parameter name Der Name der zu definierenden GUID-Konstante. ...
You can specify task placement constraints in the service definition, task definition, or task using the placementConstraint parameter. "placementConstraints": [ { "expression": "The expression that defines the task placement constraints", "type": "The placement constraint type to use" } ] The ...
\SanitizeGroups uses the tricky \def\SanitizeGroups#1#{ construction discussed in this question: Macros with # as the last parameter. It is the most legitimate such use I can imagine: its point is to detect groups, which you can't do using plain macro expansion in any other way. It guar...
use default display# - "anon" : for structs, show contents directly# - "hex" : for numbers, display as 0x1234ABCD# - "hexdump" : for strings, display like `hexdump -C`default_parameterdisplay_as:"..."# TODO: document state stuffdefself.initial_stateenddefcurrent_stateenddefupdate_state...
Configure the access token query string parameter The user info endpoint may require the access token to be sent in a particular query string parameter. To change the name of the query string parameter, which contains the access token, use theClaimsEndpointAccessTokenNamemetadata. In the following...
V763. Parameter is always rewritten in function body before being used. V764. Possible incorrect order of arguments passed to function. V765. Compound assignment expression 'X += X + N' is suspicious. Consider inspecting it for a possible error. V766. An item with the same key has alread...
3. Define a method to check if a string is palindrome or not: boolean isPalindrome (String str, boolean caseSensitive); If boolean parameter “caseSensitive” is true, do case sensitive check, otherwise, do case insensitive check. 4. Write a ...
the certificate provided to Azure AD B2C is used to generate a signed assertion, which is passed to the identity provider through theclient_assertionparameter. Theclient_assertion_typeset tourn:ietf:params:oauth:client-assertion-type:jwt-bearer. Thetoken_signing_algorithmmetadata specifies the signi...