When a report is embedded in an application, input can be received programmatically from the application. For example, when the application user opens a page to view history for a specific customer, a filter automatically passes to an embedded report to filter and display sales history for that ...
When a report is embedded in an application, input can be received programmatically from the application. For example, when the application user opens a page to view history for a specific customer, a filter automatically passes to an embedded report to filter and display sales history for that...
A subjective rating of the impact of a bug or work item on the project or software system. For example: If a remote link within the user interface (a rare event) causes an application or web page to crash (a severe customer experience), you might specify Severity = 2 - High and Prior...
Create virtual network interface cardThis code in a Terraform template creates a virtual NIC named myNIC connected to the virtual networking resources that you created.Review the following code, and then copy and paste it into main.tf in the Cloud Shell editor...
To create and use a search scope, you create the scope, define its rules, and assign the scope to a display group. A display group is the location where the scope will be visible in the user interface. Default display groups include theSearch DropdownandAdvanced Search. You can create oth...
To create and use a search scope, you create the scope, define its rules, and assign the scope to a display group. A display group is the location where the scope will be visible in the user interface. Default display groups include theSearch DropdownandAdvanced Search. You can create oth...
Marcus, A. (2002), Dare we define user-interface design?, interactions, 9, 5, 19-24.Fast forward: dare we define user interface design - Marcus - 2002Marcus, A. (2002). Dare We Define User-Interface Design? Interactions, 9(5), 19-24....
This solution defines a domain specific language. For more information, see Overview of the Domain-Specific Language Tools User Interface.Test the SolutionThe template solution provides a working DSL, which you can modify or use as it is.To test the solution, press F5 or CTRL+F5. A new inst...
#define isPad (UI_USER_INTERFACE_IDIOM() == UIUserInterfaceIdiomPad) #if TARGET_OS_IPHONE //iPhone Device #endif #if TARGET_IPHONE_SIMULATOR //iPhone Simulator #endif //ARC #if __has_feature(objc_arc) //compiling with ARC #else ...
Creates a user-defined class or subclass and specifies the properties, events, and methods for the class or subclass. Warning Modifying read-only properties from base classes generates an error message. The full syntax for theDEFINE CLASSmain clauses appears as follows: ...