Define range to select from current cell in a full range (using worksheet_change) By draddy in forum Excel Programming / VBA / Macros Replies: 0 Last Post: 01-07-2013, 11:48 AM [SOLVED] Using cell value to define a range (for a variable defined as a range) By Sccye in forum ...
Method 1 – Using “Public” Sub to Declare a Global Array in Excel Launch the VBAeditor and insert aModule. Declare the variable using the “Public” keyword. For example, to declare a global integer variable “myGlobalVar“, enter: ...
Need help with an Excel VBA process. Below is a screenshot of the current logic with the intended goal noted in the red box. Can someone assist with helping me set criteria to define the range or r... JoeCavasin That could be WSN.Range("A11:A" & RowEnd - 1).En...
How to define a range in excel but with rows read from a fixed cell Hi if B1 =100 ( this number is not fixed) A1=B1 How to wite a formula: =Countif(A1:A(value from B1) instea a specified row the value from B1 i tried '=COUNTIF(A1:A INDIRECT(A1,TRUE),3...
I would like to define variable in the top of my VBA to reference file and range (column) to make then Index/match function. Defining variable at the top of my code will be more convenient to update my code later on. However, I always face an error message on this line: ...
Python brings a feature where we can define a finite number in a specific range and an infinite number, as in Math; we can use negative and positive infinity. We cannot define an infinite number in other programming languages. In other programming languages, we can define a specific set of...
This TM1® macro function is valid in Excel macros and VBA modules only. Syntax SUBDEFINE(dimension, subset, range) Example =SUBDEFINE("local:Model", "Smith", B7:M7) This example creates a subset called Smith for the Model dimension. The subset contains elements found in the cell range ...
This TM1® macro function is valid in Excel macros and VBA modules only. Syntax SUBDEFINE(dimension, subset, range) Example =SUBDEFINE("local:Model", "Smith", B7:M7) This example creates a subset called Smith for the Model dimension. The subset contains elements found in the cell range ...
Thank you very much, I did a small adjustment to your code because it was taking the col 1 and 7 of the extract.xlsx instead of the source file (see print screen below). But with the code below, it is working perfectly! Thank you. Very helpful. .Range("B2:B" & NBrow1).Formul...
I would like to define variable in the top of my VBA to reference file and range (column) to make then Index/match function. Defining variable at the top of my code will be more convenient to update my code later on. However, I always face an error message on this line: ...