year,即可定义宏的如下形式 define LEAP (vear 在程序中用以下语句输出结果。 if (LEAP (year)) printf ("d is a leapyear", year) else printf("d is nat a leap year", year) 【答案】 define LEAP (year) (year4==0 syear8100!=0 Ilyearg400--0 ...
/给年份year,定义一个宏,以判别该年份是否闰年。提示:宏名可以定义为LEAP_YEAR,形参为y, 既定义宏的形式为 #define LEAP_YEAR(y) (读者设计的字符串)/ #include<stdio.h>#defineLEAP_YEAR(y) ((y%4==0)||(y%100==0)||(y%400!=0)) ?"是润年":"不是润年"intmain(void){intyear;printf("p...
给年份year,定义一个宏,以判别该年份是否闰年。提示:宏名可以定义为LEAP_YEAR,形参为y,既定义宏的形式为 #define LEAP_YEAR(y) (读者设计的字符串) 输入 一个年份 输出 根据是否闰年输出,是输出"L",否输出"N" 样例输入 2000 样例输出 L #include<stdio.h> #defineLEAP_YEAR(y) ((y%4==0&&y%100!=...
if ((year % 4 == 0 && year % 100 != 0) || (year % 400 == 0)) // 或 #define IS_LEAP_YEAR (year % 4 == 0 && year % 100 != 0) || (year % 400 == 0) if (IS_LEAP_YEAR) // 代码可读性更强。 一个定义通常应在一行代码中完成。但如果你需要手动空行,那么在每行后输...
Returns the day of the year of the datetime. January 1st = 1 through December 31st = 366, assuming a leap year. Syntax DAYOFYEAR(datetime) WEEK Returns the numeric value for the week within the calendar year. Syntax WEEK(datetime) DAYOFWEEK Returns the day of the week, starting with Monday...
Returns the day of the year of the datetime. January 1st = 1 through December 31st = 366, assuming a leap year. Syntax DAYOFYEAR(datetime) WEEK Returns the numeric value for the week within the calendar year. Syntax WEEK(datetime)
宏(define)⼀. 宏是⼀种批量处理的称谓。⼀般说来,宏是⼀种规则或模式,或称语法替换,⽤于说明某⼀特定输⼊(通常是字符串)如何根据预定义的规则转换成对应的输出(通常也是字符串)。这种替换在预编译时进⾏,称作宏展开。编译器会在编译前扫描代码,如果遇到我们已经定义好的宏那么就会进...
After you determine the length of time to retain data, you can use the following table to convert the number of years to days. Accordingly, if the period includes a leap year, adjust the number of days. Table 1. Sample number of days to years ...
static bool leapYear(int); bool endOfMonth(int) const; private: unsigned int month; unsigned int day; unsigned int year; static const std::array<unsigned int, 13> days; void helpIncrement(); }; #include <iostream> #include <string> ...
Elopements are for the brave people who care so, so deeply for the person they love that they’re willing to take a bold leap away from the norm and choose something different, meaningful, and wholly intentional. I know elopements continue to be a misunderstood topic—often shrouded in all...