能源系统的标准定义是执行有关全球能源发展,分析,规划和改进等工作,并且在技术上开发并确定与人类活动相匹配的能源.通常,能源系统与能量转换系统的定义一致,而与能量... 法比奥・奥莱奇尼,文森佐・纳素 - 能源载体时代的能源系统:后化石燃料时代如何定义、分析和设计能源系统:a key to define, analyze and desi...
aThese same principals can be paralleled to define what is now green building. In the simplest terms, green building is organized around four main systems. (1) Water: its collection, use, and reuse. (2) Energy: its source, use, and reuse. (3) Materials: their source, content, composit...