deficit financing的中文翻译及音标 沪江词库精选deficit financing是什么意思、英语单词推荐 名词赤字财政,(尤指政府)支出超过年收入(以举债弥补赤字) 相似短语 deficit financingn.赤字财政,(尤指政府)支出超过年收入(以举债弥补赤字) deficit covering financing弥补赤字筹资...
deficit financing 英 [ˈdefɪsɪt ˈfaɪnænsɪŋ] 美 [ˈdefɪsɪt ˈfaɪnænsɪŋ]赤字财政;(尤指政府)支出超过年收入(以举债弥补赤字)
deficit financing 名词赤字财政,(尤指政府)支出超过年收入(以举债弥补赤字)相关短语 gilt edged shares (尤指有政府担保的股票) 金边股票 revenue tariff (为财政收入而征收的关税) 岁入关税 N. N. N. N. N. N. culture medium 【医】 N.N.N.培养基(含琼脂、盐、兔血,用以培养黑热病病原体) N. P...
The meaning of DEFICIT FINANCING is the financing of government expenditures by borrowing rather than by taxation.
deficit financing bonds 弥补赤字的公债 deficit financing n.赤字财政,(尤指政府)支出超过年收入(以举债弥补赤字) deficit covering financing 弥补赤字筹资 financing a budget deficit 弥补预算赤字 in bonds adv.在拘留中 deficit value 亏值 cover the deficit 弥补赤字 cultural deficit 文化逆差 feder...
Managed care, deficit financing, and aggregate health care expenditure in the United States: A cointegration analysis Public debt management: theory and history: Fear of deficit financing – is it rational?
美 英 un.弥补赤字的公债 英汉 un. 1. 弥补赤字的公债
1) deficit financing 赤字财政;赤字筹资2) financial deficits 财政赤字 1. High financial deficits and current account deficits characterize the development of American economy for many years. 多年来,美国经济发展中的一个重要特征是存在着高额的财政赤字和经常项目赤字。 2. But there are problems in ...
读音:美英 deficit financing bonds基本解释 弥补赤字的公债 分词解释 deficit不足额 financing筹措资金 bonds镣铐,监禁 deficit financing bonds是什么意思 deficit financing bonds怎么读 deficit financing bonds在线翻译 deficit financing bonds中文意思 deficit financing bonds的解释 deficit financing bonds的发音 deficit fi...
Deficit financing policy has been executed continually for nearly 30 years in China, fiscal deficits and public debt balance are rising quickly. 我国已持续执行了近30年的赤字财政政策,财政赤字和国债余额迅速上升,本文从赤字财政影响货币供给的角度,实证了赤字财政对通货膨胀的影响,结果表明我国赤字财政政策对...