Shop Defibtech replacement AED batteries, electrode pads & accessories for your defibrillator. Get fast, free shipping on orders $99+
Defibtech AED 训练产品说明书 Defibtech AED 训练设备 - 独立AED训练仪 - 训练电池组系统 - 半自动和全自动版本 用户手册 训练软件V3.0 DAC-515E-CN-AB
The DDU-100 AED is designed to deliver up to 150J of defibrillation energy through a patient impedance range of 25 – 180 ohms or 50J of defibrillation energy when using the child / infant pads. Defibrillation and AED operating power is supplied with a replaceable (non-rechargeable) lithium ...