Defi Llama是去中心化金融(Decentralized Finance,DeFi)最大的总锁仓价值(Total Value Locked,TVL)数据...
Another crucial aspect in the basics ofDeFi Llamawould point at TVL or the total value locked in DeFi protocols. It is one of the most significant data pointers available on the DeFi analytics platform. What makes TVL an important indicator of the data aggregator and analytics platform? The TV...
TVL全称:Total Value Locked 即总锁定价值。用户所抵押的资产总值,是衡量DeFi生态发展的最重要指标之一,通常TVL增长代表项目发展的越好。 零时科技区块链安全威胁情报平台数据统计,截至2022年12月,DeFi项目共计1297个。据 DeFi Llama 数据显示,DeFi 总锁仓价值达到 390.51 亿美元规模。其中以太坊占比58.59%,以230.2亿...
Look for steady increases in total value locked A second metric to look at when assessing the overall strength of a project is the sum ofall assets deposited on the protocol, otherwise known as the total value locked(TVL). For example, data from Defi Llama shows that the totalvalue locked ...
March 6, 2025 2:57 pmcrypto.newsEthereum price surged 6% in the past 24 hours, reclaiming the $2,300 level despite weakening decentralized finance metrics. According to data from Defi Llama, in February, Ethereum’s (ETH) total value locked fell to $50 billion from a peak of $71 ...
A measure called total value locked (TVL) tracks how much crypto is stored in DeFi protocols. At its peak in November 2021, DeFi commanded a TVL of $180 billion. That’s up from about $1 billion at the start of 2020. Despite the increasingly common practice of having DeFi protocols audi...
The DeFi sector is growing significantly with the total value locked (TVL) in DeFi protocols surpassing $182 billion in December 2024, according to DeFi Llama.[1]Market research firm Statista projects global DeFi market revenue could reach $542 billion in 2025, driven by rising adoption and inno...
To understand which DeFi protocols are the most used today, we can look at ratios that can apply across the industry of DeFi protocols. For example, the total-value-locked (TVL) ratio measures the total amount of underlying supply that is secured by a specific protocol. ...
2009 年に登場した ビットコインとその分散台帳も,DeFi の初期的形態とみなすこともできる.しかしビッ (10億ドル) 300 250 200 150 100 50 0 図表 1 DeFi の TVL 推移 (出所)DeFi Llama より野村資本市場研究所作成 1 Total Value Locked の略.DeFi サービスに預けられたデジタル資産の金額...
Total value locked on Convex. Source:Defi Llama Both Convex Finance and rely heavily on CRV for the operation of their platforms and the increased activity has resulted in a decline in the circulating supply of CRV. This may have helped to boost CR price as investors clamor to...