Please provide the environment you discovered this bug in (runng version) Angular CLI: 17.3.10 Node: 18.20.4 Package Manager: npm 10.7.0 OS: win32 x64 Angular: 17.3.12 ... animations, common, compiler, compiler-cli, core, forms ... platform-browser, platform-browser-dynamic, platform-s...
Which @angular/* package(s) are relevant/related to the feature request? core Description The@defersyntax is great, but the some of the triggers would also be useful in typescript, such as via a decorator to call a typescript function. I have a lazy-loaded component that is fetched via...
What promises do is likecheck player result in O-Mopsi: First open game, then get game results, then get the player's result. Using Angular Promises can handle that well. varapp = angular.module("app", ["ngRoute"]); app.config(function($routeProvider) { $routeProvider .when('/', ...
While the routes are being resolved we want to show the user something to indicate progress. Angular will fire the$routeChangeStartevent as we navigate away from the page, which we can show some form of loading and ajax spinner, which can then be removed on the$routeChangeSuccess...
it('should defer symbol that is used only in types', () => { env.write( 'cmp.ts', ` import { Component } from '@angular/core';@Component({ standalone: true, selector: 'cmp', template: 'Cmp!' }) export class Cmp {} `, );...