马路如虎,车祸如狼,每位车主要以「防卫性驾驶」(defensive driving) 为信条。具体言之,这个信条涵盖「知虎避狼」的十个 … mblzzy.blog.hexun.com|基于58个网页 2. 防御性驾驶 我才慢慢了解到,老爸要教我的,也许就是防御性驾驶(defensive driving)这件事。墨水鹅毛笔与大马士革刀 部落格全站分类… ...
必应词典为您提供defensivedriving的释义,网络释义: 防守驾驶;驾驶理念;自卫性驾驶;
Inflation Is Making Auto Insurance More Expensive — Here’s How Defensive Driving Can Help Prices for everything are going up, including auto insurance. A lot of drivers are feeling the pressure as their premiums rise. If your insurance costs are … Continue reading → Posted in Defensive Driv...
DriveSafeToday is the leader in online defensive driving courses. Our defensive driving courses can qualify you to remove points, dismiss a traffic ticket, and get a car insurance discount.
International Defensive Driving Training国际防御性驾驶培训。 它会教你如何规避风险,更大限度的避免交通事故。国外很多企事业单位都要求自己的员工学习 defensive driving,培训通过之后才能使用公车。 1. Pay Attention! 注意力集中。有意识的让自己集中精力,不吃东西,不发短信,不做任何让你感觉分散精力的事情。开车是...
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It also affects how they drive – with Rob recommending “defensive driving”. FromBBC And from there he made an audacious, surprise attack into Turn One and grabbed the lead, before spending the rest of the race holding the Ferrari at bay with a masterclass of defensive driving. ...
Defensive Driving预防性安全驾驶 DefensiveDriving防御性驾驶 ZBSESJune,2011 ©Anheuser-BuschInBev 什么是防御性驾驶?驾驶员在行车过程中,能够准确地“预见”由其他驾驶员、行人、不良气候或路况而引发的危险,并能及时地采取必要、合理、有效地措施防止事故的发生,这种可避免危险发生的驾驶方式即为防御性驾驶技术。
防守驾驶(Defensive Driving) 驾驶方式美国国内驾车在国内,驾车在路上,脏话不断,发泄对其他车驾驶方式的不满.一次刚从美国回来的朋友坐在旁边,也逐渐加入我的谩骂行列,同时问我:怎么在美国没听过你讲这么糙的脏话?我说:可能是没机会吧.当代汽车
drivinghazards. ●Employeeandemployerdriving behavior. 就是在计算机和人的共同作用下,按照一定的方法组织和存储信息,并通过人机对话从计算机存储的大量数据中自动输出用户所需的那部分信息的过程。 DEFENSIVEDRIVING INTERSECTIONS Howmanyvehiclesareyoudrivingforintraffic? ●Rightofwayrule ●Approachingintersections ●Red...