Federal Defense Solutions is an 8A Minority Owned Small Business. Federal Defense Solutions Ordering Information Telephone: 703-625-9370 Mailing and Payment Address: 12020 Sunrise Valley Drive, Suite 100 Reston, VA 20191 Email: sales@feddef.com Federal Tax ID: 26-4559694 Email Us Now!
I noticed that you had an Evergage example in here that isn’t so favorable. In our defense, this popup was actually a test from our old blog and it was triggered on page exit – so basically a bounce prevention tactic. To our surprise, it had a decent conversion rate, increasing our...
The threat actor behind the SolarWinds attack, the Russian-based Nobelium, has orchestrated another successful vendor email compromise attack, this time targeting the United States Agency for International Development (USAID). According to Microsoft’s Threat Intelligence Center, Nobelium compromised the ...
an international group dedicated to developing and deploying technologies that collect intelligence on the methods malicious hackers use in their attacks. The event brought in experts from around the globe, and our hosts — theNational Autonomous University of Mexico(in Spanish, UNAM)...
FIG. 3 lower left hand corner: the Heartbeat K00.99 network configuration message initiates a sequence whereby other data dissemination messages are spawned stimulating operational, intelligence, logistics etc data cascades on the military side of the Heartbeat Beacon equation. A commercial equivalent he...