Aerospace and defense (A&D) industry comprises both civil and military aerospace and defense procurements. Aerospace and defense industry is engaged in manufacturing & development of commercial aircrafts, spacecrafts and various types of military aircraf
ConferencesMilitary policyIn remarks at the Association of the US Army's "National Defense into the 21st Century: Defining the Issues" conference, Deputy Secy of Defense John P. White ...
Global Management Conference and Workshop Articles / News / Press releases Government conferences- a quick overview Understanding the effectiveness of technology conferences Government Seminars can Broaden Your Horizons A Technology conference is a great way to expand your knowledge ...
The 2005 symposium, with its complementary technical conferences, education programs and exhibition, will provide a unique opportunity to discuss, debate and shape the future of this field. "A unique strength of DSS is the flexibility and comprehensive nature of presentations ...
Modalité de soumissions --- Soumission des articles avant le lundi 31 Août 2020 Via l’url suivante au format PDF : Doivent y figurer le titre de la communication, les noms et prénoms des auteurs ainsi que leur affiliation, l’adresse...
SPIE Proceedings [SPIE SPIE Defense and Security Symposium - Orlando, FL (Sunday 16 March 2008)] Infrared Technology and Applications XXXIV - Comparison of... presented at four international conferences including the AFOSR Molecular Dynamics and Theoretical Chemistry Conference and the SPIE Defense and...
The symposium, with its complementary technical conferences, education program and exhibition, provides a unique forum for technology, product and system developers from the industrial, government and academic communities around the world to discuss, debate and shape the future of their field. ...
The U.S. State Department has made a determination approving a possible Foreign Military Sale to the Government of Bahrain of M1A2 Abrams Main Battle Tanks and related equipment for an estimated cost of $2.2 billion. Aviation Space Abu Dhabi Hosts 4th ICAO Global Implementation Support Symposium ...
Among them FP7 FOTsis, ITEA CarCoDe, ITEA FUSE-IT and FUI PARFAIT. He holds 7 international patents on these topics and published his work in major IEEE conferences and renowned journals. He was co-chair of AHSN Symposium in IEEE Globecom 2011 and co-chair of NGN Symposium in IEEE ICC...
DCS 2023’s largest track, “Next-Generation Sensor Systems and Applications,” will host 12 conferences and explore emerging technologies for specific applications such as autonomous systems; chemical, biological, radiological, nuclear, and high-yield explosives; agriculture and food safety; cyber-physic...