2023 October – Furore over the ‘Baron Memorandum’ to Lithuania’s Prime Minister and Speaker of Seimas 2023 September – Will Working Group Have Courage to Just Say No to New Wave of Building & Profit from the Old Vilna Jewish Cemetery? And — a Tale of Two Green Buildings 2023 Septembe...
Uh-Oh, Here We Go Again: Secret Memorandum on Future of Vilna Great Synagogue Courtyard UPDATE: DH Publishes the memorandum, commissions full translation ☰ Just in: Concern in official “Lithuanian Jewish Community” circles about possible 7-year insinuation of alleged Putinist (with potentially ...
Women’s ability to participate fully in all aspects of US military service has, Amy Gaudion recounts, received a boost with the December 2015 commitment by Secretary of Defense Ashton Carter to ending combat exclusion. All combat jobs are now open to wo
Cultural tensions between Britain and the European Union take centre stage in the Eurosceptic novels which represent how the EU culturally invades Britain and dystopia-like encroaches on the terrains of British history and identity, fabricating and propagandising a shared European past, a common herit...
81. For example, the automobile industry was successful in 2014 in coming together to agree on aMemorandum of Understanding that provided information and repair parts to independent service providers. Memorandum of Understanding Among Automotive Aftermarket Industry Association, Coalition for Auto Repair ...
Hitlerist white-armbanders surround Jewish women being marched to their death. These militias, responsible for deaths of Jewish civilians in forty locations in Lithuania prior to German arrival, are honored by the state as “freedom fighters”…. ◊...