Display ON Animation ON Legend Synonym Antonym Related </>embed</> defensivesportathleticsgamedefending adj Words related to defending adjattempting to or designed to prevent an opponent from winning or scoring Related Words game athletics sport defensive Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart coll...
Twitter Google Share on Facebook Dictionary </>embed</> squad team sport athletics defense defence defending... noun Synonyms for defending team noun(sports) the team that is trying to prevent the other team from scoring Synonyms defence
The meaning of DEFEND is to drive danger or attack away from. How to use defend in a sentence. Synonym Discussion of Defend.
my $self = shift; my $meth = length $self->content > $MIN_LENGTH ? 'content' : 'summary'; my $content = $self->$meth(); return unless defined $content; my $splitter = Lingua::Sentence->new( 'en' ); my $total_length = 0; my @sentences; for my $sentence ($splitter->split...
Even when user doesn't know exact or synonym of keywords of encrypted Records, he can try substituting it by its meaning in natural language. WordNet method makes the Substitute scheme even more reliable and better.V.Gopalarao Goripathi
Even when user doesn't know exact or synonym of key- words of encrypted Records , he can try Substituteing it by its meaning in natural language. WordNet method makes the Substitute scheme even more reliable and better.Rajyalakshmi Kode...