2017 May – Is “Good Will Foundation” Enabling a Mockery of Jewish Community Democracy in Lithuania? 2017 May – The Revised “Nationalist Menorah”: New Low in Litvak Identity Theft? 2017 May – Lithuanian Jews Dismayed at New Attempt to Crush Democracy 2017 April – Translation of Lithuani...
If you are a national security official who worked for a Republican administration and are supporting Vice President Biden in November, we urge you to join us. Please get in touch atnatsec@defendingdemocracytogether.org We Need Your Help
Together we can defend history, and along with it, human rights and dignity (of the living and dead alike), equality, free speech, and the values of free society and liberal democracy.◊The Latest in Defending HistoryTITLES ONLY16 February 2021...
There is, however, disturbingly, quite a stupendous missing link in this abridged history of Lithuania in the twentieth century. Where had the quarter million Jews (the figure on the eve of the Holocaust) of the country disappeared to “overnight” (as centuries go), during that fateful century?
3 April 2010.‘The threat of Baltic ultranationalism. The EU is wrong to ignore the resurgence of neofascism in Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia — It threatens European democracy’ in theGuardian(by Efraim Zuroff).In Estonian.In Lithuanian. ...