Defender of the Faith Thesaurus Acronyms Encyclopedia Wikipedia n (Government, Politics & Diplomacy) the title conferred upon Henry VIII by Pope Leo X in 1521 in recognition of the King's pamphlet attacking Luther's doctrines and retained by subsequent monarchs of England. Latin term:Fidei Defensor...
The short form of the title's Latin translation, Fidei Defensor, is FD or FID DEF, and this appears on every British coin. The title was first given to King Henry VIII by Pope Leo X after Henry's defence of the Roman Catholic faith against the teachings of Martin Luther. But the ...
b.To attempt to disprove or invalidate (the claim made by a lawsuit or prosecution):defend a class action; defend a criminal case. v.intr. 1.To make a defense. 2.SportsTo play defense. [Middle Englishdefenden, from Old Frenchdefendre, from Latindēfendere,to ward off; seegwhen-inIndo...
Defender of the faith, a title belonging to the sovereign of England in the same way as Christianissimus (“most Christian”) belonged to the king of France. The title was first conferred by Pope Leo X on Henry VIII (Oct. 11, 1521) as a reward for the ki