pip install pygame在macOS和Linux系统中,打开终端,输入以下命令:pip3 install pygame如果你在安装过程中遇到“Defaulting to user installation because normal site-packages is not writeable”问题,这通常是因为你没有足够的权限来安装库到全局的site-packages目录。你可以尝试使用以下方法来解决这个问题: 使用管理员权...
总之,当程序在运行时无法正常访问site-packages目录时,可能会defaulting to user installation because normal site-packages is not writeable。为了避免这个问题,我们可以采取一些措施,如手动指定site-packages目录或自动将其设置为可写,或者调整程序的配置。
USER_SITE = "D:\Python\Python39\Lib\site-packages" USER_BASE = "D:\Python\Python39\Scripts" 对我自己新建的这个"Python"文件夹作修改不需要管理员权限,于是世界都清净了 将Python安装在不需要管理员权限的文件夹下,不再提醒Defaulting to user installation because normal site-packages is not writeable ...
1. 解释“defaulting to user installation”的含义 “Defaulting to user installation because normal site-packages is not writeable”这条信息意味着,当你尝试使用pip安装Python包时,由于pip没有足够的权限将包安装到系统的全局site-packages目录中,因此它会自动选择将包安装到你的用户专属的site-packages目录中。这...
Defaultingtouserinstallationbecausenormalsite-packagesisnotwriteable 看了很多帖子,所有的方法基本上都试了,都以失败告终,然后我开始尝试重启电脑与卸载重装Python,都,无济于事。 重装了3.8.9,最后有安装回了3.9.6,还是在网上的几个方法里面试,包括Stack Overflow里面的一些方法。
Defaulting to user installation because normal site-packagesis not writeable This message appears whenpipfails to install the package in the system-wide directory. This is not an error message aspipcan still install the package, but you might have problems like unable to access the package from ...
If you're a Python developer, chances are you've come across the error "defaulting to user installation because normal site-packages is not writeable" at some point. This error can be frustrating as it prevents you from installing packages using pip,
【jenkins】安装python依赖报错,Defaulting to user installation because normal site-packages is not writeable 1、 解决方式 # 使用下列方式安装 python3-m pipinstallxxx
1、使用命令 python3 -m site --user-site /Users/nxy/Library/Python/3.9/lib/python/site-packages 2、安装插件 pip3 install pytz Defaulting to user installation bec
How to Fix Failed to set locale defaulting to C UTF 8 in CentOS 8 - Introduction As a CentOS 8 user, it can be frustrating to encounter the error message Failed to set locale, defaulting to C.UTF-8. This error message indicates that the system is unable